Manuteno preventiva

Manuten??o Preventiva Pneus e Dire??o: a) Verificar o desgaste e se h? avarias na estrutura (bolhas ou cortes): a cada 8.000 km b) Calibrar todos os pneus periodicamente: a cada 1.000 km c) Fazer o rod?zio conforme o indicado no manual do propriet?rio: a cada 8.000 km d) Fazer balanceamento de todas as rodas, inclusive […]

Everything Oil, healthy turbo engines should be well cooled and lubricated. Use synthetic oil only for your turbo engine because these oils can tackle extreme temperatures. Change oil every 2,500 to 3,000 miles because oil breaks down and gets dirty in time. Always check the oil level and remember to let the oil cool down […]

Lowering your auto insurance costs

Lowering Your Auto Insurance Costs Vehicle insurance a cost we all must bear if we want to drive. But you might be surprised at how varied the rates for car insurance can be in your area. Definitely shop around for your car insurance. Do not just go with the first agent you speak with. Now, […]

Facts about cars that run on water

Facts About Cars That Run on Water More facts about cars that run on water are starting to become available now as you’ve been ready to buy run your auto on water plans online for well over 4 years. As water fuel technology continues to advance, we are moving closer and closer to the moment […]