Run your car on water ridiculous heres why
Run Your Car on Water? Ridiculous!! Here’s Why..
Run Your Car On Water? We know it sounds great and there is a lot of ballyhoo about this circulating on the internet. It’s actually sort of laughable. Some representations are half-truths and marketing puffery. Other instances are distortions and out and out lies. Before spending your hard earned money, read the truth below and get the real story. Part of your mind is telling you, “It can’t possibly work!”. You’re right, and we’ll tell you why.
Keep in mind, there are some very real benefits to be harvested in this area. We’ll explain those too, at our site (no need duplicating the info. here). Just click on our link at the end of the article.
Now, here’s the fully factual answer to the question, “Can You Run Your Car On Water?”.
No, no, no. Never. It’s marketing fantasy. Hype. Over-blown obfuscation. Water, cannot be used as an internal combustion engine fuel. Ever. Period. Why? Basic chemistry. Water is the by-product of a hydrogen and oxygen exothermic reaction (a chemical reaction that releases energy as heat). Once the chemical reaction has completed between these two elements, all the energy has been consumed. The left over by-product (water) is just an “ash” (chemically speaking). It’s an ash in the same way paper becomes an ash after it’s heat energy has been released — by burning it. Different substances, same process. Combustion. Subsequent attempts to re-ignite either ash by-products will prove futile for the same reason. Their exothermic energy has already been depleted (by combustion).
Your car engine is designed to use, as fuel, substances that will produce an exothermic reaction (again combustion or “burning”) above a specific energy level. It harnesses some of the heat energy from combustion to do it’s work. No heat energy or not enough of it, no work. See the reference for “Internal Combustion Engine” at our website below or click this link —–> An excellent animated engine example.
To clearly understand the mechanics of the situation, let’s look more closely at water, combustion and hydrogen. Simply stated, water is nothing more than oxidized hydrogen (two hydrogen atoms that have attached to an oxygen atom = H2O). This is what’s left after hydrogen “burns” (burning = very rapid oxidation = combustion). You can get the oxidized hydrogen in water to burn energetically (exothermically) again if and only if you “un-oxidize” it first. One way to easily do this is through electrolysis (more on this below). Once it’s bonds to oxygen are broken, the hydrogen in water is free to interact and combine (exothermically) with other elements again. Short of that, in it’s oxidized state, (the exact definition of water) hydrogen is trapped and rendered useless as a fuel to your engine. So, anyone who tells you that you can burn water for engine fuel or “Run Your Car On Water” is:
A). Generating market hype – water as fuel sounds exciting because water falls from the sky and is virtually free. Wouldn’t it be wonderful? It’s just marketing fantasy to tease and attract people, preparing them for a sales pitch (not that there’s anything wrong with a sales pitch per se, if it’s honest).
B) All wet (excuse the pun) and blowing smoke (or steam). More precisely, snake oil. They haven’t done their homework and simply don’t know any better.
C) Purposely Misrepresenting The Facts – trying to use semantics to confuse the issue and hide the truth. Water won’t burn exothermically. It’s not combustible. How are they really trying to misdirect your attention with phrases like “Run Your Car On Water”?! If an ad is not willing to say what it means, then there is no way for it to mean what it says. Beware.
Is there a way water can be used for vehicle propulsion?
Yes, water does have a beneficial, though indirect, role in translating fuel into propulsive energy for your car. However, it’s NOT a source of fuel energy. Here’s how it works. You can build and install a device that uses your car’s electrical system to extract oxygen and hydrogen from water. The process is known as electrolysis (mentioned earlier). This is the process that “un-oxidizes” water’s hydrogen, freeing it for combustion. However, separating oxygen from hydrogen through electrolysis requires electrical energy, and energy is not free. For your car, electrolysis is powered by your electrical system. More precisely, the electrolysis process actually translates and stores your car’s electrical energy as hydrogen and oxygen gas. The gases will freely mix as they form (unless separated) resulting in what’s commonly referred to as HHO (see our site for more details on HHO). When HHO is delivered to and mixed with your engine’s normal gasoline/air fuel mixture, the result is a hybrid fuel (HHO gas + gasoline/air). The HHO/gasoline hybrid fuel can burn much more efficiently than your normal gasoline/air fuel mixture alone. More specifically, after electrolysis the stored electrical energy (now carried by the HHO gas) can be mixed and added to the engine’s gasoline/air fuel mixture in a compatible way (normally, electrical energy needs wires, gas can be moved physically). What was electrical energy + water has been converted into a gas mixture waiting to deliver energy to your engine through combustion. It’s important to note that though HHO releases the stored energy (gained from electrolysis) through combustion, the direct mechanical effects of that combustion (on the piston) are NOT HHO’s main benefit. It’s HHO’s secondary effect on gasoline combustion efficiency that is much more important (see our site).
This means that the role of water (a low energy compound) is to provide a stable energy conversion/storage medium or pathway whereby (through electrolysis) electrical energy can be transformed and stored into a hydrogen/oxygen gas mixture (HHO gas). It’s delivered to your engine to extract as combustion energy. Keep in mind, that energy originated in your gas tank and has simply used water (and your electrical system) to change form. In other words, your car infuses water with energy which in turn takes the form of HHO gas. The water itself has NO energy before this process. Therefore, it is not a source of fuel energy because it must have the electrical energy from electrolysis to become HHO. No electrical energy from your car, no electrolysis. No electrolysis, no HHO. This means that ALL the energy is coming from your gasoline tank. Water contains nothing. It’s just an energy pipe or conduit. Consider the energy path starting with your gas tank. The energy changed form from liquid chemical (gasoline) to rotary mechanical (your engine) to electrical (your alternator and battery) to gaseous chemical (stored as HHO from electrolysis) back to rotary mechanical through HHO combustion (engine again). No new energy has been derived from water or HHO and it’s easy to prove. Take an HHO on-demand equipped vehicle. Start it. While it’s running, interrupt the flow of gasoline to the engine. Wait 10 minutes (to let the engine consume the residual gasoline in the line). One of two things will happen:
1) The engine continues to run after 10 minutes proving water is a new source of free fuel energy and you CAN “Run Your Car On Water”. The economic world as we know it has just ended. In it’s place is a new world of free energy.
2) The engine stops, proving that water is not a new source of free fuel energy (even after being processed into HHO) as many ads imply . It proves that gasoline is the energy source and you CANNOT “Run Your Car On Water”. The world goes on as before. The only difference is, you’re more aware of another way that marketers are trying to put their hand in your pocket.
For any practical vehicle application, HHO is a fuel combustion enhancer, not a fuel energy source. The distinction is important to understand because it is the foundation of HHO’s practical benefits as well as the source of it’s limitations. For a number of reasons your cars’s electrical system cannot produce enough HHO to power your engine by itself. The hype of “Run Your Car On Water” or “Water for gas” or “Burn Water for fuel” (or other puffery) cannot be supported in terms of HHO anymore than water. HHO brings gains because it forces your engine to utilize more of the gasoline energy that’s already in the engine’s cylinders. It isn’t new energy. HHO just prevents what’s there from being thrown away and wasted. If you understand this enhancement limitation and premise, then you’ll be pleased with how HHO can significantly improve your engine’s effici
ency, your car’s mileage per gallon and ease the pressure on your finances.
By the way, HHO is not just water in a gaseous form. If that were true taking a hot bath or shower with a lit scented candle or cigarette would be disastrous. The reason you can safely do so is because the gaseous form of water is steam. You can’t ignite steam. Light a candle in a room full of HHO…well, happy landings. Just make sure your life insurance is paid.
Marketeers and hucksters count on semantic games to confuse you, generate hype and hide the facts. We all run our cars on gasoline or we run our cars on diesel fuel. This means we literally fill up our tanks with these fuels and when mixed with air, they provide our engines with 100% of the energy needed to propel our vehicles to their destinations. Is there any condition under which you can fill your tank with water and have it provide your engine with 100% of the energy needed to propel your vehicle to it’s destination? Can you, “Run Your Car On Water”? Clearly, this is not even remotely possible (see reasons stated above). Just the same, you’ll see this ridiculous claim packaged in different forms around the net, (burn water for gas or water = free energy or run your car on water, etc..). For all cases where water is represented or implied as being a combustible source of energy, it’s at best, a matter of not knowing the facts. At worst, it’s mean spirited misrepresentation and fraud. Don’t be taken in by the marketing word games.
1) Water is not combustible because it’s hydrogen is trapped. If someone wants to convince you otherwise, make them prove it. Unless they can show water on fire, then water is not a source of fuel energy that can “Run Your Car….” (or anyone else’s) anywhere. All the claims and implications of using water as a free and plentiful energy source just…..plain……EVAPORATE! (sorry, had to)! Don’t be fooled.
2) Likewise, HHO has great benefits and is quite beneficial as a fuel additive, but not to the extent of pulling up to the garden hose (instead of a gas station) for a fill-up. Not quite yet.
The information you’ve just read has provided a basic overview of the water to HHO technology (without the hype). At our site (link at bottom of the page), we start at the beginning and look a little more deeply into the technology and answer questions such as, “What exactly does HHO do?” How does it enhance fuel combustion?”, “Will HHO work In My Car?”. We also include reviews for do-it-yourself HHO conversion plans that guide you through the process of building and installing a hydrogen on-demand system. Though some of the concepts covered here are covered there again, we feel the additional info. can be very useful (the entire article takes about 10 minutes to read). However, at this point, if you are only searching for HHO conversion plans, you may wish to skip the additional info. and go directly to the conversion plan reviews provided at our site. From an extensive examination of available plans and customers feedback, we rank and recommend the best plans. For your convenience we’ve provided this link to go directly to the plan reviews —> HHO Conversion Plans Review.
Most importantly, we examine what you can reasonably expect from the conversion technology and how to get the most benefit for your efforts. We promise, at no time will we insult your intelligence by representing that you can use water as an engine fuel.
For more information go to:
One last thing. If this information has been useful to you (and we hope it has), we ask that you forward this article to just one or two friends. Help us beat back the tide of misrepresentation and fraud, with fact. You never know who you’ll end up helping.
Thanks and happy motoring.