Car warranties can save thousands

Car Warranties Can Save Thousands When people spend money on a car, they sometimes think that spending extra on car warranties is too much of an extra charge. What these people need to take into consideration is that cars are expensive to maintain – oftentimes much more than they anticipate. So while spending a little […]

How to find reliable auto shippers

How To Find Reliable Auto Shippers Finding reliable auto shippers may seem like a difficult task, but it’s really easier than you think.  The web provides a wonderful resource for those of us wishing to thoroughly research our purchases and it holds a large number of helpful sites for individuals researching auto shippers. To begin, […]

Don’t Go Broke Restoring That Antique Car Most classic car lovers who attempt to restore cars do so out of love for the automobile and what it represents to them. Many also do it for the pure challenge and personal satisfaction of restoring an object to its former glory. Although it’s possible to make money […]

Are potholes driving you potty

Are Potholes Driving You Potty? Potholes are a blight on our nation. Big ones, small ones, and very very deep ones; potholes have been damaging our vehicles and denting our wallets since horses and carts took to the roads. Every year, UK motorists face a repair bill of around ?2.8 billion to fix the damage […]