Gas Prices are Up – Learn to Drive Sensibly to Stretch Your Mileage Owning a car is one of life’s little pleasures, a dream come true. But, for some it is turning into a nightmare thanks to the ever increasing price of fuel. People all over the world are having to pay as much as […]

Tips and steps to buy a used car

Tips and Steps to Buy a Used Car As per the modern trends, every now and then a new car is launched with the latest features, attractive looks, intensifying standards and the newest technologies to tempt the customers! From the customers’ prospective, overlooking the glamour of a new car is pretty tough but buying a […]

Inchiriez masina

Inchiriez Masina Toate persoanele care doresc sa inchirieze o masina sunt interesate sa afle termenii si conditiile de inchiriere. O sa incercam in cele ce urmeaza sa va aducem la cunostinta principalii termeni si conditii ai Promotor Services inchiriere auto inchiriere masina Locatarul (cel care inchiriaza masina) are urmatoarele drepturi si obligatii: 1) Sa citeasca […]

Tyre pressure of your car

Tyre Pressure of your Car Generally, people know that it is important to check their Car tyres for punctures but how many know that they should be checking the tyre pressure too? Having the right tyre pressure can add to the life of your Car’s tyre. It also improves the overall safety of your vehicle […]