With the cost of gasoline so unstable at the moment and the constant threat of another rise in price many people are trying to find ways to improve gas mileage for their cars and trucks. One of the newest and maybe the best ways to achieve this is to make a hydrogen generator for vehicles. […]

Driving a Hard Bargain: How to Make the Most of your Car Insurance The invention of the car brought more than speedy travel. It brought freedom to people, enabling them to go wherever they wanted, whenever they wanted, without the inherent restrictions of public transport. Indeed, prior to private motor transport, there were other forms […]

Car Insurance: an Important Decision for the Car-owners Car insurance is one of the most important policies you need to have a look at. It is essential to have this policy in place which helps you avoid stressful periods, and also saves you time when your car needs repairs and the costs could run sky-high. […]

It is very rarely that one gets to live our fantasies isn’t it? How often have we fantasized about doing something completely out of our world? Going in a star ship for example? Sailing in that beautiful yacht to far away islands? One fantasizes being Luke Skywalker in Star wars or why not James Bond? […]