Teen drivers
Teen Drivers
Governments all over the world have been trying to minimise the amount of car accidents caused by teen drivers, showing harrowing TV adverts and encouraging pass plus schemes to recently qualified teenagers.
Susan Kessler, a mother in America, thinks she has the answer. Temporary warning signs, alerting other road users to the fact they are in the vicinity of a newly qualified driver, may cause people to be more aware and therefore reduce the amount of fatalities.
Sceptics may disagree with this idea, and teenagers will hate it, but the notion is that people will be more careful, therefore relaxing the driver and causing calmer driving environments. Other ideas have been proposed, like laws on children under 19 driving at night, a curfew on the hours they can get behind their wheel. This is due to the obvious issue of driving in the dark, if you are nervous or inexperienced having another factor to consider can lead to accidents.
New Swiss drivers have to post a warning sign on the vehicles they drive, as do young drivers in New Zealand, and a lot of new drivers in the UK choose to don a recently passed sign, in the form of a green P, very similar to the red L they are legally obliged to display when learning, to notify other road users that they may be erratic.
“We aren’t going to save every kid,” Kessler said. “We are rational about this. But if we save at least some of them, it’s worth it.”
With new ideas for teen car safety being implemented, we could see Car Insurance Quotes reducing, and generally road use being much easier for everyone who drives.