Automotive Web Template Design in Toronto

Been in the automotive industry for the past 6 years as their IT consultant. I have seen dealers spend tens of thousands of dollars in their web sites over the years. A typical web site today will cost a dealer on average between $8,000 – $20,000 not to mention the monthly hosting fees from as little as $200 – $400 per month.
These figures are unheard of coming from a developer’s background. But most of the dealers are willing to spend the money but not knowing what they are getting for their money. They will often hire a web developer to maintain their web site after the development is done. With today’s competitive automotive market and shrinking profit margins. It is time for dealers to wake up and smell the coffee, to spend their money wisely on web or internet related advertising and development.
Don’t be fooled into thinking by spend more you shall receive more, that is not true at all. Many dealers are been taken advantage today due to their lack of knowledge and information. A new service has come to light in Canada, called Dealer Template. Their url at this company is offering dealers a pre-designed web template for as little as $80 per month, and that includes hosting fees. The secret most dealer doesn’t realize is the $20,000 web site still come from a cookie cutter web template the development firm uses from their past clients. So in essence the difference between a “custom” developed site, and a template, is the fact if you know it’s a template or not.
This article is brought to you by Dealer Template Canada, for more information please visit us online at

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