Why Car Shows Are So Popular And Why You Should Attend Them

Most people wonder what the big deal is with car shows and what is so good about them. The answer is cars and more cars, the car shows are not just about cars getting together to show off what they have, I mean that is the point of the car show but that isn’t the only thing that goes on at a car show. If you have ever been to a car show or an NOPI event then you know what goes on. You have a best car in show, best looking car, most customized, best restored. You have all kinds of places to win an award. They even have bikini contest at most car shows and that is the best part of the whole car show.
For that person that is bringing their car to the show it is a day that they will never forget if it is their first time entering a car show. They will enter their car and then be able to park it, detail it a little more since they drove it to the show and then just clean it up just a little bit before the judging begins.
There are dog shows on TV just like there are car shows in magazines. There isn’t any difference to a car show from a dog show. Who really cares about seeing dogs walk around on TV that is pretty lame if you were to ask me? I would rather have my shows on the discovery channel then be watching the dog shows. It doesn’t make any money unless people come to the event and that is insane.
Of the hundreds of cars that enter car shows there are only a handful of ones that are given prizes and awards at the end. Those few that do win something have been deemed the ones with the best looking cars and if that was your first car show and you won a prize then your car must have been a good looking one.
A lot of people that do not even have a car are always at the shows looking at the cars looking at which ones look the best and just look the best in general. There are tons of people who go to a car show and do not have a show car. That is ok because that will just motivate you to get a car of you like those types of cars. Even though I don’t really care for show cars they are cool just too much money to spend on one car.
Even though car shows are not always considered a sport there are many contests that go on with a car show that you can say are sports, like racing laps with other cars that is a sport. Drifting is a sport and that happens at a lot of NOPI events and just a lot of car shows in general if it is a car show contest or something like that.

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