You can boost your credit score in and get a car loan
You Can Boost Your Credit Score In 2010 And Get A Car Loan
You Can Boost Your Credit Score in 2010 And Get A Car Loan
It has been noted that getting a guaranteed auto loan or lease is dependent on the credit score of the customer. If the score is too low, then the customer is charged a very high interest rate whereas for a good score, the interest rate is low along with the benefit of 0% APR car loans. If you have made a New Year resolution for improving your credit score, then it can be easily accomplished by following these tips from the official website of FICO. The experts at FICO remind the customers that it takes some time to improve the credit score, but it is possible, if done in the right manner. If you want the best car loans available, it is imperative that you improve your score. Here are a few steps which will help you to improve your credit score.
• Ensure that you pay your bills on time
• If you have missed your monthly payments, try your best to get current, and stay current.
• Make an effort to pay your bills on time for a longer period of time, as this improves your credit score significantly
• Even if you pay off a collection account, it will remain on your credit report for seven years
• Keep the balances very low on credit cards and other credit
• Try to repay the debt rather than moving it around
• Don’t make the mistake of closing unused credit cards, as a short term strategy to improve your credit score
• If you don’t have a long history of taking credit, try not to open new accounts in a short span of time
• Used car loans can be chosen, if you credit score is less than perfect In general, if you have credit cards and installment loans, you can improve your credit score. No credit car loans can be taken in case of first time buyers, but if you already have a long credit history, it is advisable to improve the credit score.