Car tires

Car Tires

When you purchase a new car, there are few things that you have to take care of, as everything on that car is new and is guaranteed to last for a few years without the need for replacing them.

However, if you have purchased a second hand car or you have owned your car for several years, you may need to change some things to make sure your car will be well maintained and you will use it safely.

The car’s wheels and tires are among the most important parts in your car, as your entire safety and car handling depend on the state of the tires and wheels. And if you have to change your wheels and tires for your vehicle, there are a few things you should take into consideration. You can use this information when you are changing a tire or when you want to upgrade your wheels altogether.

Car tires are classified according to a series of technical characteristics. The speed rating of a certain tire represents the top speed for which that tire is certified to run in perfect safety and reliability.

Most of the times you will never reach the tire’s maximum rated speed, but tires built for extreme speeds (that are rated H (210 mph), Z (over 149 mph), Y or (Y) – over 186 mph) are made out of different rubber formula compared to normal tires and they may show a lack of comfort at low, normal cruising speeds. In addition, they may not have a long life as a normal tire would have.

Another important element is the tire’s capabilities in the wet. This is particular important if you are living in a state where the amount of rain in a year is very high (such as Oregon or Washington). Tires that are great performers in wet conditions are made out of different rubber than tires designed for sunny locations and weather and they have different patterns (such a tire will present deeper, diagonal traces over the tire’s surface to eliminate the water from underneath the tire faster).

Another relevant factor when choosing the right tire is the tire’s durability. You will have to keep a balance between the tire’s looks and its lifespan (for example, a low profile tire will look very good on your car, but because the amount of rubber is lower, it will last shorter than a high profile tire).

You should also know that low profile tires are a lot more uncomfortable than high profile tires, as the high profiles ones will have more rubber to absorb the shocks and bumps on the road. The low profile tires are only suitable for sports cars as they provide better handling, but they will prove highly uncomfortable.

If you are interested in low running noise, choose the tires accordingly. There are tires specially designed to provide low resistance to moving and a low amount of running noise, enhancing the driving experience.

The wheels are equally important, but you have to keep a balance as well. As seen above, a bigger wheel will accept a lower profile tire, making the car less comfortable, but better looking and give it a slight better handling.

It is up to you what you prefer from a car: is the looks that are important to you or you are interested in a more comfortable, quieter ride.

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