Get more mpg for your car with simple devices that improve fuel economy
Get More Mpg for Your Car With Simple Devices That Improve Fuel Economy
Let’s face it the way things are going it doesn’t look like the price of fuel is going to drop anytime soon. In fact it looks like things are going to get a lot worse. With this in mind many drivers are on the lookout for devices that improve fuel economy and help them get more MPG for their vehicles (whether that be cars, trucks or SUVs).
For those who can afford it, trading in their existing vehicle for a more fuel efficient model,( as most newer vehicles get more MPG than an older one would) or one of the new Hybrid cars seems to be the way to go. However the majority of us, who’s budget doesn’t stretch to a new car will have to rely on devices that improve fuel economy to get more MPG from their old bangers.
During this fuel crisis (as in any crisis) you will get people coming up with scams and schemes to relieve you of your hard earned cash. Scams claiming to have the latest gadgets that will get you the highest MPG from any car or vehicle. Sadly most of these gadgets are shams or myths, some of which have been around for years and are just now popping up again with a new lease of life thanks to the internet.
However along with the more ridiculous claims of gadgets, gizmos, and devices that improve fuel economy, there are some that just may work. Listed below are some of the more promising ones. Now I’m not claiming that these will get more MPG for your car or improve your fuel economy in any significant way, but after reading up on them, they at least seem more practical than most that I have come across.
Devices that improve fuel economy.
1) Carburettor Mixture Enhancers. This is a device that is installed between the intake manifold and your carburettor, and is supposed to improve the process of vaporising the air/fuel mixture before being burned in the engine.
2) Liquid Mixture Enhancers. These work on a similar principle of the Carburettor Mixture Enhancers but are in liquid form and mixed with your regular fuel.
3) Killer Wires. These are used in replacement of your ordinary spark plugs and are claimed to improve the spark by creating magnetic fields and so improve combustion.
4) Fuel Additives. Such as xylene which is added to your fuel tank along with your regular fuel to give you better fuel economy and get more MPG.
5) Water to Energy Converters. These are small Hydrogen Generators for cars and use electrolysis to produce Hydrogen Oxygen Gas which is mixed with your regular fuel mixture and results in a more efficient burning fuel.
These are just 5 of the devices that improve fuel economy and help you get more MPG. There are hundreds if not thousands more out there. As I mentioned before a lot of these are just scams and not all of them are going to work, but these 5 at least sound practical, and anything that could get more MPG for your car has got to be worth a try.