How does running your car on water and gas work?
If you’ve ever looked into increasing your fuel economy, odds are you’ve seen a lot about running your car on water and gas. But how is it possible to run your car in this fashion? Aren’t gas and water total opposites that don’t do well when mixed? Wouldn’t putting water into your engine make it stall and cause it to rust out?
Well yes, if you just started injecting straight water into your engine that is what would happen. But that’s not what we’re doing in this case.
When people say “run your car on water and gas” they’re not being totally accurate. YES you do use water in the process and YES it does double your fuel mileage… but not in the way you’d think.
Here’s a simple explanation of how the process works:
Your car, depending on how old it is, burns between 17-28% of the fuel that enters the engine. So, you could say that for every gallon of fuel consumed roughly a quarter gallon gets turned into horsepower to drive you down the road. What happens to the rest?
It exits your engine through the exhaust and gets burned up in the catalytic converter. In essence, it’s completely wasted.
Running your car on water and gas solve this problem. Here’s how it works… By applying an electric charge from your battery to a small tank of water mixed with an electrolyte like baking soda, you create hydrogen gas.
This hydrogen is then fed directly into the engine’s air intake. The hydrogen makes the fuel burn much more completely. It’ll increase the amount burned by an average of 50-60%.
So let’s say before your engine was burning 20% of the fuel it was being fed, after the conversion it’d be utilizing between 70-80%. Quite a big improvement.
In addition to this, using hydrogen and gas to power your car makes your engine cleaner, smoother and peppier by burning off the excess residues created in the inefficient, unclean way your car has been burning fuel up until this point. Your car will also run cooler, making it last longer.
But I can hear you saying, isn’t hydrogen explosive? Won’t my car blow up on the freeway? No it won’t. The amount of hydrogen created in this process is so small it poses no threat. It’s completely different from those conversions that add a tank of hydrogen to your car. Those can blow up because of the shear volume of gas you’re driving around with.
What I’m talking about creates hydrogen on demand. It gets burned immediately after it’s created so it’s completely safe. No hydrogen is stored anywhere.
I hope this helped to open your eyes to the potential of drastically increasing your fuel mileage in a safe and easy way. It really does work. And there are lot’s of information products out there that’ll teach you how to convert your car using simple parts from a hardware store.