How to check if the car price is right

How To Check If The Car Price Is Right?

Buying a car isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. It’s one complicated job if you really put your heart, mind and wallet into it. Going through new car sales would be the first step for newbies out there. Of course, getting something new saves them all the trouble. But for experienced drivers and car experts, used car sales are their haven. It has cheaper rates and you get better deals.

But going into car sales such as dealers isn’t easy. You have to toughen up and equip yourself with knowledge on the dealership world. Otherwise, you’ll easily be swallowed whole by hungry salesmen. New or used car dealers use certain terms that can seem foreign to ordinary people like us. We tend to just nod in confirmation and end up regretting. Before getting car finance in Sydney, know the types of car prices that dealers use first:

Sticker Price – This is the price set by the manufacturer for the vehicle. This is printed out in a sticker and attached to the car before leaving the factory. Do not pay the sticker price! If dealers will point to this sticker price, run before you make a huge and fatal mistake.

Invoice Price – This is the price that used or new car dealers pay the manufacturer. This is what you should aim for. Dealers will aim to get you to pay the sticker price while your aim should be the invoice price. What you agree on in between is called a negotiation.

Dealer Holdback Price – This is the amount that the dealer receives from the manufacturer for every car they sell. This can add up to the invoice price since this is where the dealers make money from.

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