Is it time to retake your test
Is it time to retake your test?
A large majority of us commute to work in the morning via our cars, and we use our vehicles for pleasure too, picking up the shopping and kids from school, going to the cinema and visiting family. If this is the case, the results of an American survey could really scare you, and might make you seriously consider getting the train to work tomorrow.
The results reveal that nearly one in five drivers on American roads could not pass a driving test if they took it today. Pedestrians in the states should be very afraid as eight five percent could not accurately identify the correct procedure when approaching a yellow light, with one person even answering that the correct protocol is to “get through the intersection before the light turns red”.
Seventy three percent of those interviewed did not understand what a safe following distance was, which isn’t surprising given the trend in America for tailgating, especially on the freeways.
Although this study is American, and American drivers need only to have taken three driving lessons before taking this test, it is a worrying statistic that is imagined to be reflected in the United Kingdom. How many of the people sitting around you in the office would pass their test should they have to retake it now? Its an interesting point. In the UK, the driving test is getting harder, but if displays of driving on the roads are anything to go by, we too should be worried.
Make sure that you have a comprehensive Car Insurance policy to safeguard you in the eventuality of an accident.